How to choose the best landscaping companies in Calgary
Hello March, we’ve been waiting for you and your warmth, although the sun is shining there might be moments we need to bundle up. This is the time of the year when we start thinking about cleaning up the garage, putting away the heavy winter clothes and creating space for spring sports equipment, gardening tools and lighter outdoor living!
At Landscapers By Nature the busy change of season comes with a lot more than putting things away. It is time for renewal of landscaping contracts for the year, reconnecting with current clients and looking for new opportunities to help new clients with services that add value to their properties.
If you are looking to start a relationship with a landscaping contractor, here are some pointers of what you should be looking for:
1.- Ask around: The best way to get names of reputable companies is by asking other companies, neighbours and coworkers that use their services. It is recommended to ask for references and especially to visit the properties they currently service to understand how they work and how they would be a good fit for you.
2.- Ask for certifications and special training: There are numerous prestigious academic certifications, degrees, and community memberships that landscapers can have. And don’t be afraid to ask for proof of those certifications too.
3.- Create a list of your needs, past problems with contractors, and questions for potential contractors. Avoid contractors that leave openings for them to charge extra for services through the contract term, such as ice melt charges or placing limits on the quantity of visits in the winter, or charge penalties for severing the contract if you’re unhappy with their service. An experienced contractor should be able to estimate full season costs based on averages from past seasons.
For a simple tool to compare your contractor’s quotes, see our Contractor Comparison Worksheet.
4.- Ask about subcontractors: Sometimes companies over-sell their services and your entire contract might be subbed to a company you are not familiar with.
5.- Experience: when you are looking for a professional service, “leave it to the experts” is the quote that comes to mind. The more experience a company has in the industry, the more likely they are to be able to meet your expectations.
LBN delivers professional Landscape Maintenance, and top-notch Snow & Ice Management services to the best commercial, condominium, and municipal property managers and owners in Calgary. We maintain a wide range of properties, from small apartments, up to large 400+ home complexes.
For more information on our services, please call us at (403) 971-2024 or e-mail
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